Appreciation Months

Every fall I receive gifts, cards, hearty pats on the back and words of encouragement and I enjoy it.  It’s nice to be appreciated.  Nicer still to be appreciated for a whole month!  I am glad that somebody, somewhere decided that October should be Pastor Appreciation Month.  I am glad that my church observes this sacred tradition!  Yet, the truth is that we pastors typically receive a lot of appreciation.  Decisions often wait until the pastor has spoken.  We hear, “Good sermon, Pastor!” and “Thank you for praying for me.”  Yes, being a pastor is a wonderful calling.  I enjoy it too much to call for a halt to Pastor Appreciation Month, but maybe we could add some more months to our calendar.  Maybe we need a Sunday School Coordinator Appreciation Month, a Guy Who Changes The Furnace Filters Appreciation Month, Board Member Who Drives An Hour To Be There Appreciation Month, a Call Me At The Last Minute And I’ll Help Person Appreciation Month, a Prayer Warrior Appreciation Month, a Youth Leader Appreciation Month.  The list could and should go on and on.  The church is a body and every part must do its bit if the body is to run.  If that’s true I suppose Pastor’s are on about the same level as eyebrows.  You’d look funny without them but, there are far more important parts doing far more important things.  Its a pleasure to be a part of this body!